Tuesday, July 2, 2013

A few Tips for Triceps and Bicep Exercises

Tip 1) Your Arms are priority- With any muscle group you should change up your routine to put the focus on that area that you are looking to build up. It is better to start working your arms by doing hammer curls as soon as you get to the gym. When doing your sets it is recommended to take breaks in between so you could separate the muscles, biceps or triceps and hit them before you do anything else. You may want to concentrate doing this first so that you can really work those muscles so that it’s not just a bunch of exercises but there are quality reps. Some of the best exercises for biceps are bicep curls. This exercise you can use both barbell and dumbbells for your “hammer curls”. You must remember that if you’re looking for great results for your bicep and tricep training, it has to be very intensive, with just a little rest in between each set. For your muscle growth it is the best, to make fewer reps and use big weights. Tip 2) Diet and Nutrition- So You can have huge and nice arms but they will not look very good if there is some fat associated with them. Why work so hard building muscle and the work you’re putting in isn't being displayed properly? A good diet that is high in protein and vegetables will go towards building those larger muscles and will give you the results you’re looking for. Water is another important key for your entire body to function well and keep those muscles healthy. You must remember to cut back on unnecessary fats and sugars and pile up precious protein and carbs so you can get the results you’re looking for. Tip 3) Proper Rest- When strength training or working any part of your body, rest is very important. This will give the muscles time to regenerate and grow after exercises. It is good to give your biceps and triceps at least a day of rest between your workout times. Two to Three days a week is good workout plan, to achieve the results you’re looking for. Even the experts recommend at least two days of rest between the workouts. Rest is always important for muscle growth and for which you are able to work out is dependent on your sleeping patterns and diet. If you’re not seeing results you want in your arms then you should try to rest your muscles more. Taking off a week from lifting every few months to let your body rest and right afterward is when you should see your best gains. Tip 4) Change Up- Now that you have a workout routine your body will adapt and not have to change in order to keep up. Every few workouts should help shock your muscles by doing some different exercises or totally changing the weight you normally use or the reps. You can for example use a lighter weight and do one large set of 25-30 reps. Be creative and keep changing it up. Building bigger arms is not a hard process and they are honestly one of the easiest places on your body to add mass. Keep things in perspective and realize that you don't have to go overboard with the amount of work you do on your arms in order to build up those muscles. Changing up Techniques is the most important factor for developing the biceps. Tip 5) Training- There’s no need to go overboard with the amount of sets that you perform. The biceps and triceps are not a very large muscle groups so they don't require the same attention that you would give to other muscles in your body. Take a look at your current program and if you're doing more than 10-15 sets per muscle you are probably doing too much. People generally say that a bicep workouts should be done in the morning. The truth is that the best time for biceps and triceps workout is when you have time, when it is convenient for you. Get your Workout on.

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