Thursday, September 19, 2013

Are Triceps Extensions Good For Arm Toning?

Are Triceps Extensions Good For Arm Toning?
by Katherine Crawford

Do you know which area you should be targeting to get rid of flabby arms ASAP? It's the long head of your triceps. And to effectively firm up this area you need to know which exercises are top notch.

And with all the advice out there some women are simply lost.

There is so much advice out there that you could become lost in the sea of information. Or even worse, you might never get started because of analysis paralysis.

So ignore the hype and read my analysis of machine triceps extensions for losing arm flab:

1. Summary: This is an excellent exercise for toning the triceps. It mainly works the long head of the triceps-the exact area where arm fat hangs from. The only thing you have to watch out for with this exercise is maintaining good from.

2. Technique: Grab the machines bar with an overhand grip while you face away. Keep your arms behind your head (lower neck level) and dig into the ground very hard with your heels. Extend your arms to full lockout. Then slowly lower the bar.

3. High frequency errors: Not keeping the elbows locked in place. Allowing the abs to loosen up and the back deviate from its natural alignment. Trying to push through the movement even though the triceps are completely fatigued. And allowing the head to droop forward.

4. Final word: This is a top-tier exercise for directly toning the area where most women need help. The area where the jiggle lives! And remember that you can go heavy with this one and have minimal risk for injury. So make this exercise a staple in your arm toning program.

For the fastest results you have to perform the most effective exercises. Anything less, and you'll have to spend more time and energy trying to lose arm flab. Even worse, if you do the wrong exercises you could significantly increase your risk of injury. So stick to basic exercises that allow you to use heavy weights with minimal risk of injury.

More Information:

Fitness author Katherine Crawford, an exercise physiologist and former flabby arms sufferer, teaches flabby arm exercises. Figure out how to get sexy arms by exploring her website with shake weight reviews right now!


Toned Arms With Wide Grip Barbell Curls

Toned Arms With Wide Grip Barbell Curls
by Katherine Crawford M.S.

There are lots of exercises out there for getting toned arms. And there are lots of opinions on what exercises are best. So many opinions that most women are left with a serious case of analysis paralysis.

Perhaps you have become lost.

If this is the case, please do not start to panic. After all, I've spent a large portion of my professional career investigating the best arm exercises for women.

So here is my review of wide grip barbell curls for losing arm fat:

1. Snap shot: This is a great exercise for toning the inside part of the biceps. It can cause a little wrist strain so be careful here. And remember that the biceps muscle is the first part of your arm someone will see when greeting you from the front.

2. Technique: Find a barbell and grasp it with a wide grip. Maintain an erect posture and keep your abs very tight. Slowly raise the bar until it comes close to shoulder height. Then lower it. Repeat.

3. Frequent errors: Yanking the barbell upwards. Not keeping the elbows locked in place. Moving the wrists up and down. Not keeping good posture. And pulling backwards towards the end of the movement.

4. Bottom line: This is an excellent exercise for toning the upper arms. Every women wishing to get sexy arms should make this exercise a staple. The only thing you have to watch out for is the wrist strain. So experiment with different grips and angles if it becomes an issue.

Losing arm fat with the right exercises shouldn't be like finding a needle in a haystack. Once you ignore all the marketing hype and stick to what has been proven by research, you'll get outstanding results. And remember, if an exercise is really flashy then you are better served steering clear of it. The best exercises are the basic ones done with intensity.

More Information:

About the author: Katherine Crawford M.S., a Harvard exercise physiologist and former flabby arms casualty, instructs women on how to lose arm fat. Discover how to get sexy and toned arms by exploring her website about how to get toned arms now!


Improve Your Muscle Mass While You Get Fit With These Tips

Improve Your Muscle Mass While You Get Fit With These Tips
by Mishel Roserberg

Do you feel tired all day long? Is it hard for you to finish tasks that your friends seem to complete very easy? Is your weight an issue you'd like to tackle? The solution is to include some basic weight training into your routine. Find out how here.

For the best results in your muscle-building routine, make use of both free weight exercises and weight machines. When you want to build big muscles, free weights are generally better. On the other hand, beginners may prefer the safety of the weight machines. If you are a newbie bodybuilder, lift weights using both machines and free weights, so you don't make a habit of using only machines.

Vegetables are a critical component of a healthy diet. A lot of diets that promote muscle building put a lot of emphasis on consuming proteins and carbohydrates; however, vegetables are usually ignored. Vegetables give you important nutrients which aren't in foods that usually have a lot of protein or carbs. They're also great fiber sources. Fiber helps your body to effectively use protein.

You need to take in more calories when trying to grow muscle. You need to eat the amount necessary to pack on one more pound each week. Research healthy ways for you to add muscle mass, and if increased caloric intake does not improve your mass, then consider muscle building supplements.

It is absolutely critical to always use proper form. Just picking up a weight and lifting it without focusing on good form can create a serious injury. Practice each exercise before a mirror and look at yourself from all sides to ensure you're performing it correctly.

Improve your bicep curl to increase results. When some people do a bicep curl, they do not get all the benefits they can. They are unable to move the dumbbells past parallel, not getting the most out of the last half of the curl. However, the top half is the strongest part of a bicep curl. By doing barbell curls while sitting, can help you fix this.

Stretching is a vital part of your workout. If you don't stretch prior to, and after, a workout, your muscles do not get a chance to become flexible and pliable, and this can cause injury. Massages can also help relax and promote muscle recovery, an important part of muscle building.

Look into obtaining a creatine supplement as part of your muscle building plan. When used alongside a healthy diet and good workout, creatine can help to boost your energy levels and aids your body in building muscle. Discuss taking Creatine with your doctor to see if it is the right thing to do.

Focus on building the major muscle groups first. This is accomplished by focusing your attention on developing your upper chest, shoulders and upper back. Your waist will appear smaller, making your overall body look larger.

It's extremely important that you never skip breakfast, especially when trying to build muscle. Eating a well-balanced diet is important for starting your day off right. When you eat breakfast, your body begins to build muscle rather than burning it, plus you have more energy for your day.

Your short-term goals need to be reasonable if you hope to succeed. You are dreaming if you hope to squat four hundred pounds within your first month and overreaching is a main injury source. Once you determine your starting strength, try to improve just a little bit each time you workout. You may surpass those short-term goals. This can act as encouragement, helping you to remain positive about your future rate of success.

Keeping your body hydrated is an important component of a good muscle-building program. If you're not drinking enough water, you could injure your muscles or yourself. Muscles which lack hydration will also appear smaller, will make it less likely to build mass, and keep you from your goals.

Try to eat some food before and after working out. High protein snacks are a good choice for beginners. As you get further along in your muscle building plan, you can get more specific in planning both your meals and your snacks.

It takes time and effort to build muscle. Once you have those two things, the others will fall into place if you know what to do. If you remain dedicated to your routine and take advantage of the things you've learned here, you'll soon start seeing the results you are striving for.

More Information:

Find more information on how to lose weight at and


Monday, September 16, 2013

The Sleeveless In 7 Review Of 4 Arm Toning Exercises

The Sleeveless In 7 Review Of 4 Arm Toning Exercises
by Katherine Crawford M.S.

There is a lot of variance between upper arm exercises. Some are astronomically more effective than others. And if you're doing lots of the infective ones, you could spend an insane amount of time in the gym and not notice any results!

And to further complicate things, most trainers have a different view point as to which arm exercises are best. All the different advice could leave you with a serious case of analysis paralysis. Not good!

The good news is that I've already done all the homework for you and I'm ready to share my findings!

So here are 4 arm toning exercises that you have to do if you're serious about getting sexy arms:

1. Overhead dumbbell triceps extensions. This exercise does a superb job at targeting the long head of the triceps, the area where arm fat hangs and jiggles from. And if you want to take it to the next level, get the full stretch at the bottom of the movement.

2. Narrow grip barbell curls. You shouldn't neglect your biceps if you want that complete toned arm look. And remember that your biceps muscle is the first part of your arm that someone will see when greeting you from the front. Narrow grip curls do an excellent job at working the outside part of your biceps, the part that is most visible.

3. Forearm curls. While not the most effective exercise for reducing arm flab, this movement will do wonders for loose forearms. If you feel that your forearms need additional work, include this exercise in your routine.

4. Incline dumbbell curls. This exercise is an ego killer. A top-tier movement for the biceps, expect to use much less weight than usual. Why? Because this is one of the rare exercises that will work your biceps through their entire range of motion. And any exercise that works a muscle through its entire range of motion will provide accelerated arm toning results.

The bottom line is to ignore all the fads and flashy gadgets and stick to what works. Only then will you be able to get the arm toning results you want and deserve. The best exercise programs are the ones that use basic movements with lots of intensity.

More Information:

Katherine Crawford MS, a Harvard exercise physiologist and former flabby arms sufferer, is an expert on arm toning exercises. Learn how to get toned arms right now by visiting her website on upper arm exercises.


Are Dumbbell Curls Useful For Toning And Sculpting Your Arms?

Are Dumbbell Curls Useful For Toning And Sculpting Your Arms?
by Katherine Crawford

A lot of fitness gurus have different viewpoints on the top exercises for eliminating bingo wings. And I'll bet that all the conflicting viewpoints are confusing you. I remember how confused I used to be.

After all, if the experts are having a hard time reaching a consensus, how are you supposed to make a decision?

Luckily for you, I've been there and done that. And I'm not greedy-I want to share what I've learned so that you don't waste any time in your sexy arm pursuit.

Thus here is my critique of curls with palms forward for eliminating bingo wings:

1. Snap shot summary: This exercise mainly focuses on the outside portion of your biceps in your upper arm area. It also does a great job at working the biceps through its entire range of motion-few exercises do this effectively.

2. Technique: Straighten your arms and maintain both palms facing forward. Grasp two dumbbells while keeping your core contracted. Bring both dumbbells up in a controlled manner. Then slowly lower them.

3. What not to do: Raising the dumbbells too high which engages the front shoulder muscles instead of the biceps. Not keeping the shoulder blades retracted and chest popped out. Jerking the dumbbells up which uses momentum instead of muscle.

4. Final word: If you're serious about finally getting rid of that arm fat, you should make this exercise a staple. It's a great movement for toning the biceps. Just make sure you pay close attention to your form and posture when going heavy.

Finding the best exercises for reducing bingo wings shouldn't be like navigating a minefield. To make sure that you don't fall into a minefield, ignore all the marketing spin offs. After all, if an exercise is ultra-flashy and seems too good to be true, then it probably is! Stick to the basics but do them with intensity. This is the secret to sexy arm success.

More Information:

Author Katherine Crawford, a fitness physiologist and recent flabby arms sufferer, teaches how to get toned arms. Unearth how to get sexy and toned arms by visiting her blog with shake weight reviews right now!


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Exercise And Losing Weight For Life - Avoid The #1 Mistake Everyone Makes!

Exercise and Losing Weight for Life - Avoid the #1 Mistake Everyone Makes!
by Greg Ryan

Do you ever feel like you are working out so hard and nothing seems to happen? You just can't seem to lose that last few pounds, increase your benchpress or tighten up those triceps. Why?

Why do doctors only recommend that you take antibiotics for a short period of time? They only seem to be affective for a short while. The body builds up an immune system against them.

One of the biggest mistakes we have all made in our quest for good health is to get in our comfort zones by doing the same old workout routine and eating plan. Guess what? Your body adapts to these daily routines, too.

Exercise and losing weight is a constant pushing of your body's mental and physical potentials. Arnold Swartzneggar once said, “Life is about the last three reps of an exercise.” In order to get anything out of it, you have to push yourself."

This is hard to explain, but after about ten weeks on the same workout plan and after eating the same foods at each meal, the body adapts and the heart rates go down. The muscles are not overloaded anymore. What is the answer then?

If you learn no other key to weightloss or exercising learn this: you have to constantly shock your body into progressing. If you can keep you body from getting used to things you will have a better chance of losing weight and keeping longevity with your workout.

However, this will take some thinking ahead on your part. If you start getting edgy, poor sleeping patterns, soreness or any other unusual aches, this is probably what is happening. Try to avoid the number one mistake people make in allowing your body to figure out what your game plan is. Do this and you will have a good chance of sticking with the program.

START LOSING WEIGHT THE RIGHT WAY FOR GOOD TODAY! FREE MINI COURSE click here Discover the common sense way to lose weight without dieting that the doctor's DON'T want you to know. Greg Ryan is a best selling author, former employee of Kathy Smith, and high profile fitness expert.


How To Make Your Workout Work Out!

How to Make your Workout Work Out!
by Amber Lily

Most people who want to lose weight rely on magazines and workout DVD’s for help. Say that this person is you. You buy a magazine because you see a skinny celebrity on the cover. You flip through the pages and see exercise tips. You try them out but figured that it does not help. So you purchase a workout DVD instead because a lot of people are doing it and it looks so easy, right? You try doing the workout but you quit after a week or two. Why? Because exercise is hard work! It’s not as easy as it looks. Face it, the celebrities in magazines and the people you watch on those workout DVD’s are already physically fit. They make it look so easy because they don’t need to shed the lbs.

Working out is no joke. And a trip to the gym can be expensive. Exercise is boring and it’s not fun especially when you’re doing it by yourself. What you need is an exercise that works. Here are some tips of how to make your workout work out.

Tip#1: 1 + 1 = Fun

Grab a friend. Convince them to work out with you. Do not even attempt to do it alone because chances are you’re just going to throw in the towel after a week or two. What you need is someone to motivate you. Having someone workout with you is a lot easier and fun whether they have similar goals as you or not. Motivate each other and treat each other as your own personal trainers – without breaking the bank, that is.

Tip#2: Fun or Fitness or both?

Did you know that most of the things that normal people do can be considered a workout? Like tossing a Frisbee, hitting the dance floor, riding a bike, or even cleaning the house. Step it up by making your normal daily activities more challenging but fun. When you go to the beach, grab your friend (or your dog) and play Frisbee toss. Set a goal of at least 100 tosses. Jumping and running back and forth in the sand will surely burn a lot of calories. Next, hit the club and dance your heart out. Avoid alcoholic drinks that are high in sugar content and carbohydrates. Stick with white wine or if you must have a beer, choose Miller Genuine Draft 64. Use your bike to go places nearby. If you do not own a bike, walk! Play music while cleaning the house. Believe it or not, singing actually helps your breathing. And the more you breathe the more oxygen you consume. The more oxygen you consume, the more calories you burn.

Tip#3: Challenge yourself

Set your goals and increase them every day making your workout more challenging and more effective. For example, on Monday do 50 jumping jacks. Increase it by 5 everyday so as on Tuesday you do 55, and on Wednesday you do 60 and so on and so forth.

Tip#4: Change it up

Doing the same thing over and over is unexciting and not to mention, tiring. Change your routine every so often. Example, this week you challenge yourself to doing some jumping jacks. Next week, play your hula hoops. The week after, challenge yourself to some squats. Make sure you give yourself 1 day each week to rest!

Tip#5: Rest is important

Over doing your exercise is not only ineffective but can also be dangerous to your health. The body needs to rest. So make sure you get plenty!

There are a lot of great ways to make fitness fun, but these are just some of the ways that can help you make your exercise leisurely. With the right diet and motivation, you should be fit and healthy in no time.

More Information:

SimplyFab Inc. is an online store for clothing and fashion accessories. For more info please visit us at


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

What Is Strength Training?

What Is Strength Training?
by Jerry Predaris

Traditional strength training consists of performing one to three (or more) sets of exercises on a specific, isolated muscle group. One rep, or repetition, equals one complete movement of the exercise from start to finish. For example, for a bicep curl you might begin with your arm extended down by your side holding the weight, say a dumbbell, curl the weight upward to your shoulder by bending your elbow, and then lower the weight back to the starting position. That's one rep. Do that 8-12 times and you've completed one set of bicep curls. Rest for 30 to 60 seconds to allow your muscle to recuperate and you're ready for the next set.

Successive sets should be progressive, meaning that each one should be performed using “progressive” or increased resistance. In the case of the aforementioned bicep curl, you might do the first set using a 10-lb weight, rest for 30 seconds, then increase the resistance to 12 lbs for the second set, rest for 30 seconds, then finish up with a third set, again increasing the resistance by using a 15-lb weight. Congratulations! You've just worked out your biceps in the same way bodybuilders train their biceps in the gym.

Smart Tip: Choose a starting resistance for the first set that's challenging. Not so difficult that you can't complete a whole set, nor so easy that you're just going through the motions. Each set should push the muscle to near muscle fatigue. The harder you work, the faster and more dynamic the results.

Now, if you were to do just those three sets of biceps curls two times a week, in only a few weeks time you'd start to feel your biceps muscles getting firmer, tighter, and stronger. You'd also begin to see changes in the shape of the muscles as well, to a more dynamic, contoured, athletic look. That's new muscle growing on your body right before your eyes. Muscles burn calories 24 hours a day... even while you sleep! Every pound of new muscle requires your body to burn about 50 calories more per day just to keep that muscle alive and functioning, even while you're sleeping. So, as you continue to build more muscle, your metabolism continues to increase, which allows you to shed unwanted pounds and inches while at the same time shaping and building more muscle...which increases metabolism even more, which allows you to shed more pounds and inches, which…well, I think you get the picture.

Training all the other muscle groups in your body—chest, abs, shoulders, back, triceps, thighs, buns, calves, and hamstrings— involves the same basic principles. One to three progressive sets of 8-12 reps for each muscle group twice a week. If you're a beginner, however, it's highly recommended that you start with only one set for each muscle group during the first two weeks, then add a second set during weeks three and four, and, if you feel up to it, do three sets thereafter. Gradually increasing the work load on your body will help prevent undue soreness and make your workouts much more enjoyable.

Smart Tip: Never work the same muscle group on successive days. Always allow a minimum of 48 hours rest, but no more than 96 hours, between sessions that work the same muscle group. For example, if you work your legs on Monday, you wouldn't want to work legs again until Wednesday or Thursday in the same week.

Strength training involves working your muscles beyond their normal limits by lifting progressively heavier weights. This overloading of the muscles causes micro-tears in the muscle tissue. Resting 48-96 hours between sessions allows your body the time it needs to effectively repair the micro-tears and make the muscle stronger. Remember, it's just as vital not to over train a muscle as it is to train it in the first place.


One way to get more out of each set is to combine two or more different exercises for the same muscle into one continuous set, or Superset. For example, try doing a set of bicep curls, then without resting do a set of concentration curls followed by a set of cable curls. Now, you can rest! This superset replaces one regular set. The next set would consist of the same three exercises with increased resistance. Working the muscle from three different angles at three different stress levels without letting it rest is a good way to get more results fast.

Smart Tip: This is an advanced workout feature. Beginners should start more slowly, doing one regular set for each muscle group during the first few weeks and build up gradually to three regular sets and later to three supersets.


Powersets are giant Supersets that encompass all the muscles worked on in one day's session one after the other without resting, in a circuit training fashion. After resting a couple of minutes, increase resistance and perform the second and third round of Powersets. Supersets and Powersets can pump up your intensity level while shaving precious time off your workouts.

Split Training

Working out your entire body in one session can take a significant amount of time and energy, especially if you're doing lots of sets at a high intensity level. One way to cut your workout down to size is to split train.

Split Training is a method whereby you split up your total body workout over two or more sessions, choosing to work only a few muscle groups each day. For example, you could train your upper body on Monday and work your lower body on Tuesday, a two-day split routine that works your entire body every two days. Or you could do the push/pull split where you “push” (train chest, shoulders, and triceps) on Monday and “pull” (train legs, back, and biceps) on Tuesday. Again, it's a two-day split, and even though it's not strictly all push/pull (some of the leg muscles are really “push” muscles) it serves to shorten each day's workout, making it easier to keep up your intensity and find the time to exercise regularly. Once you get to the point of doing three sets of two or three exercises for each muscle group, you'll most likely choose to split train.
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Weight Lifting Programs For Muscle Building

Weight Lifting Programs For Muscle Building
by Jason Smith

Weight lifting programs are designed to grow muscle and get people stronger. You can achieve this even if you are a beginner. It is not hard to do if you know the basic exercises that will get you there. Following these programs, or exercises, you will get where you want your body to be.

Always check with your physician to make sure you are healthy enough and fit enough to lift weights. If you have a recurring injury, then weight lifting may not be for you as it is a very hard thing to do and required a lot of strain. If you don't want to work out alone, find yourself a partner to help keep you company. Sometimes it is better to have a person to push you through the routines.

Basic exercises are where you need to begin. It is important that beginning stick to these to achieve some level of muscular fitness before going to the more advanced levels. Start with the bench press to build a good chest. This is a great upper body strength and muscle building exercise. For each exercise talked about, go no further than ten repetitions.

For your shoulders, try shoulder presses. Shoulder presses are good for building up your shoulders as well as your triceps. You do this with a barbell or with dumbbells. Either way, you are going to get good results. Lift and lower the weight slowly for safety. Always have a spotter.

For building strength and muscle in your arms, do barbell or dumbbell curls. Use a full range of motion as this will work all parts of the bicep. For the backside of your arms, you can do lying tricep extensions with a barbell. A spotter is good to have since you are going to be raising and lowering the weight above your face.

For your legs, you will want to do squats. This is the most basic and most effective lower body exercise. This will really build muscle mass in your legs and will also make your lower back very strong. It is very important to use a weight belt as you can hurt your back if you use too much weight.

For your back, do lat pulldowns. This is good for not only getting your back stronger, it will give you that V shape that will make you look good too. This are basic weight lifting programs to make you stronger, grow muscle and get that body you always wanted.

More Information:

We have some good weight lifting programs. Along with those programs for weight lifting, you should also try out one of our bodybuilding diets. We are here to help you.


Saturday, September 7, 2013

Weights For Best Muscle Building

Weights for Best Muscle Building
by Wakelin Smith

The best muscle building can be done in the gym, or at home if you have the appropriate gym equipment. What is more important than where you work out, though, is determining the best muscle building program for your body type, so getting an expert opinion on this is always helpful. In general, though, the best muscle building programs will include drop sets, negatives, flexing and strip sets. Add to these as you see fit, but these should be the basics of your routine.

Drop sets are done with dumbbells. Start with a slightly heavy set of dumbbells, do one set and then do a repetition with a lighter set of dumbbells, then another repetition with a lighter set again. You should rest for several seconds between each repetition, but the key is to force yourself to do more after you feel you have reached your limit.

The best muscle building technique to add strength and balance out the usual positive weight lifts are negatives. Because most weight lifting pushes weight up and/or away from your body, negatives balance this out by pulling the weight toward you. That's why you need to use a bench press for negatives. Put the bar up high and slowly bring the weight toward you. Careful not to use too heavy weights for this.

Flexing is another important technique for building strength. Flexing should be carried out between each other type of weight training that you use in your routine - during the periods that you would call your resting periods. Flexing also ensures that you keep your muscles pumped throughout your routine.

The best muscle building regimens usually end up with strip sets. Strip sets should never be used at the start of your routine, though. How you do strip sets is to strip a few plates from your weight lifting sets. This enables you to perform more repetitions.

So there you go. If you are really interested in how to build muscle fast, you have all the tips and tricks right here.

More Information:

Discovering just what is the best muscle building program for your body type is tricky, unless you are aware of the latest bodybuilding exercise.


Best Muscle Building Regime

Best Muscle Building Regime
by Wakelin Smith

The best muscle building can be done in the gym, or at home if you have the appropriate gym equipment. What is more important than where you work out, though, is determining the best muscle building program for your body type, so getting an expert opinion on this is always helpful. In general, though, the best muscle building programs will include drop sets, negatives, flexing and strip sets. Add to these as you see fit, but these should be the basics of your routine.

Use dumbbells to do your drop sets. The way to do it is to start out with the heaviest set of dumbbells you are going to use for your session, and do one set. Then do a repetition with a slightly light set, the next repetition with a lighter set again, and so on. Resting between each repetition is important, but so is pushing yourself a little beyond your comfort zone.

The best muscle building technique to add strength and balance out the usual positive weight lifts are negatives. Because most weight lifting pushes weight up and/or away from your body, negatives balance this out by pulling the weight toward you. That's why you need to use a bench press for negatives. Put the bar up high and slowly bring the weight toward you. Careful not to use too heavy weights for this.

Flexing is an isometric exercise rather than a pure bodybuilding exercise. Nevertheless, flexing is important in a muscle building regime, and it should be practiced during resting periods between the weight lifting exercises. Flexing is important for keeping your muscles pumped and building strength.

Strip sets should always be done at the end of your weight lifting session. Stripping one or two plates from the set while you are performing your lifting routine will help you manage a larger number of repetitions with greater ease.

So there you go. If you are really interested in how to build muscle fast, you have all the tips and tricks right here.

More Information:

Discovering just what is the best muscle building program for your body or metabolism is tricky, unless you are aware of the latest weight lifting programs.


Body Building Exercises To Sculpt Body Without Supplements

Body Building Exercises To Sculpt Body Without Supplements
by Robert Harvard

Many bodybuilders firmly believe they can add muscles and tone their bodies without the need for illegal substances. While some may opt for certain legal supplements, others strictly use bodybuilding exercises to sculpt their body, whether they are attempting to gain admittance for competition or simply to make their body look better.

One of the natural exercises used for bicep strengthening is dumbbell curls. The bodybuilder stands straight with the dumbbells in their hands, palms facing inward. In one slow, fluid motion the dumbbells are raised towards the chest with the elbows remaining in a position close to the body. As the arms rise up, they rotate so that when the hands reach the chest they are facing inwards. Reversing bodybuilding exercises on the way back down will help strengthen the biceps.

Hammer curls, another of the bodybuilding exercises for bicep strength, are essentially the same as dumbbell curls, except when the hands reach the level of the chest they are in the same position as they were when starting. There is no rotation to the curl. For alternate curls, the weights are lifted from the standing position and the hand rotates 90 degrees to face the chest when it reaches the top. The difference is, the curls are done one arm at a time, and hence the name alternating curls.

Leg Squats The Most Versatile Of The Bodybuilding Exercises

Perhaps the most common of the bodybuilding exercises is the squat, during which a person stands with their feet shoulder-width apart or slightly further and squats down towards the floor. Once reaching the lowest point, simply stand back up. This exercise will work the leg muscles and slight variations to the stance will work different muscles. For example, standing with the toes pointed slightly out, it will work the muscles of the inner thigh. Conversely, if the toes point inwards, the outer thigh muscles get the workout.

There are a couple of common tips when it comes to bodybuilding exercises, and the first is to know the muscles that will be worked. Not just the names of the muscles, but also their primary function and what will need to be done to give them strength. Understand what bodybuilding exercises will give it strength, and make sure all the muscles in that group are worked for an even distribution of strength. Working one arm more than the other could make the appearance seem lopsided.

The rules of thumb for bodybuilding exercises is to workout hard and then rest hard. Muscles will rarely grow faster if the exercises never end. The body needs rest as much as it needs activity.

More Information:

Why not get the latest information for your body building with good body building workouts and supplements.


Thursday, September 5, 2013

A Great Arm Workout for Size and Shape

Doing hundreds of curls in your garage just won't get it. If you are after the look of a Strong Muscle Man you have to target on your entire body, not just your arms. But I will get into the other elements for constructing a muscle man like physique in another report. For large killer hunting arms you have to work out your triceps as effectively as your biceps. Your triceps are in fact a greater muscle mass than your biceps, and construct the back facet of your arms out. Developing my arm muscle groups have usually been a bit of a sticking point for me, till not too long ago. I have (and even now dropping the little I have left) dropped a good deal of excess body unwanted fat with my eating regiment and my function work outs. And now I concentrate on the regions so that I hit a sticking point. I want to add some more muscle mass to my arm so I devote one particular exercise just on my triceps and yet another work out on my biceps to kick them out of the regiment I am in. My training for my arms is below: Bicep Workout Start off hefty with Barbell curls. I do four sets of six to 8 reps. I want to exhaustion my biceps as considerably as I can in this initial exercising. Next, Hammer curls. Once more I do about 4 sets of six to 8 reps. Once again I want to go large so that I can really push my biceps. Then, Supinating curls, these curls are when you start at the bottom with your palms going through inwards, then as you lift, you twist your palms till they face you at the best of the motion. Finishing them off on the cable equipment. Here I will do possibly straight curls of rope hammer curls but this time I will do 3 sets. 2 of these sets will be regular sets of 6-10 reps. The final set of the working day will be to failure. I use the cable equipment as you can go through the weights truly fast until finally you can even lift you arm to scratch your head. Triceps Training Exactly the same type of routine for the biceps exactly where I commence weight with, near grip bench press. As heavy as I can for 4 sets of 6-8 reps, again 4 sets of 6-eight reps, right here I will do a super set. This is where you do 1 exercise then soar to the upcoming without rest. I will do cable drive down teamed up with dumbbell kick back. Here I will do 3 to four sets of 6-8 reps. that is its. This program has assisted me split by the way of my plateau and assisted me in getting some additional muscle mass to my arms before I finish this article. Do all your workouts with great expectations and have fun doing them. God bless.