Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Weight Lifting Programs For Muscle Building

Weight Lifting Programs For Muscle Building
by Jason Smith

Weight lifting programs are designed to grow muscle and get people stronger. You can achieve this even if you are a beginner. It is not hard to do if you know the basic exercises that will get you there. Following these programs, or exercises, you will get where you want your body to be.

Always check with your physician to make sure you are healthy enough and fit enough to lift weights. If you have a recurring injury, then weight lifting may not be for you as it is a very hard thing to do and required a lot of strain. If you don't want to work out alone, find yourself a partner to help keep you company. Sometimes it is better to have a person to push you through the routines.

Basic exercises are where you need to begin. It is important that beginning stick to these to achieve some level of muscular fitness before going to the more advanced levels. Start with the bench press to build a good chest. This is a great upper body strength and muscle building exercise. For each exercise talked about, go no further than ten repetitions.

For your shoulders, try shoulder presses. Shoulder presses are good for building up your shoulders as well as your triceps. You do this with a barbell or with dumbbells. Either way, you are going to get good results. Lift and lower the weight slowly for safety. Always have a spotter.

For building strength and muscle in your arms, do barbell or dumbbell curls. Use a full range of motion as this will work all parts of the bicep. For the backside of your arms, you can do lying tricep extensions with a barbell. A spotter is good to have since you are going to be raising and lowering the weight above your face.

For your legs, you will want to do squats. This is the most basic and most effective lower body exercise. This will really build muscle mass in your legs and will also make your lower back very strong. It is very important to use a weight belt as you can hurt your back if you use too much weight.

For your back, do lat pulldowns. This is good for not only getting your back stronger, it will give you that V shape that will make you look good too. This are basic weight lifting programs to make you stronger, grow muscle and get that body you always wanted.

More Information:

We have some good weight lifting programs. Along with those programs for weight lifting, you should also try out one of our bodybuilding diets. We are here to help you.

Source: http://www.PopularArticles.com/article240510.html

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